Arshad Warsi, best known for his role opposite Sanjay Dutt in Rajkumar Hirani’s Munna Bhai series, has grabbed nation-wide attention for his remarks on Prabhas. Talking about his recent release Kalki: 2898 AD, he called the ‘Rebel Star’ a ‘Joker’.
This did not go well with the fans for obvious reasons, and Mr. Warsi received extreme hatred from the fans of Prabhas. To clear the air, the actor has finally clarified that he was talking about the character ‘Bhairava’ and not the actor.
“Everybody has their own point of view, and people like to interpret noise. I spoke about the character, not the person. Prabhas is a brilliant actor, and he has proved himself again and again, and we know about it. And, when we give a bad character to a good actor, it’s heartbreaking for the audience,” Warsi clarified.