Aranmanai 4, the fourth installment in the Aranmanai series is running very well in Tamil Nadu. The film has already grossed 50 crores worldwide. The film has also brought Kollywood back on track with strong collections continuously. It also became the biggest grosser of the year for Kollywood in the state and worldwide as well. Aranmanai 4 is also heading towards the coveted 100 crore club.
Aranmanai 4 stars both Tamannaah and Rashi Khanna in the leading roles bringing in the much-needed glamour for the film. In Tamil Nadu, the film has collected more than 55 crores gross and the worldwide gross is nearly 85 crores. As said, the Aranmanai 4 is all set to enter the 100-crore mark in a week if it holds strong. No one expected the film to pull off this feat.
The previous film in the series, Aranmanai 3 didn’t perform as expected and ended up as a disappointment. Everyone felt that Aranmanai 4 too might end up seeing the same result. But the film exceeded the expectations and emerged as the winner. The film will surely be a relief to both Tamannaah and Rashi Khanna who are in need of a big hit for a long time.