Director Rajamouli met AP Cinematography Minister Perni Nani on 15 March and appealed for the ticket price hike for his upcoming film RRR. This film is slated to release on 25th March. The film also stars leading heroes of Tollywood, Jr. NTR and Ram Charan produced by D.V.V. Danayya with a massive budget. But no exact details of the budget project came up till now.
But AP Cinematography Minister, Perni Nani has given a clarity on the budget of the film. He said that RRR team had given him a report stating the budget as 336 crores without the remuneration of both heroes and director, SS Rajamouli. He went on to say that the budget’s details are being verified and the price for the ticket hike will be decided after the verification process.
Well it looks like there is no confirmation yet on the ticket price hike for RRR. Radhe Shyam which released on March 11 had only an additional Rs.25 hike with the already revised ticket prices. Now, RRR team badly wants the ticket prices to be at Rs.300 for atleast 10 days or for two weeks. Let’s wait and see what happens.