Tillu Square, the upcoming film starring Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Anupama Parameswaran, is a much awaited sequel of its predecessor DJ Tillu. The first song of the film was released this evening and since then, it became much popular on social media, and streaming platforms with the lip lock bit of Siddhu and Anupama going viral on the internet.
The makers of Tillu Square, released ‘Ticket Eh Konakunda,’ the first single song that immediately got the fans excited. Kasarla Shyam’s lyrics and Ram Miriyala’s singing make ‘Ticket Eh Konakunda’ get better after listening to it on repeats, even though it has a similar tone to DJ Tillu’s popular title song. The song’s energy and vibe are maintained throughout, which is crucial.
Many people believed that Anupama lacks the sultry quality required for a film like Tillu Square. However after watching the song, it can be said that Anupama looks so hot, and she aptly got fit in the role. It can be definitely said that Anupama’s makeover is terrific. She was successful in providing the required oomph and cuteness in equal proportions. She also has a lip lock bit with Siddhu in the song which has been really liked by the fans and the bit goes viral on the internet now.
Coming to the song, very distant to her selection in Tillu Square, Anupama looked damn hot with a sexy tattoo and the slight skin show which is enough to make the youth go crazy. The chemistry between her and Siddhu is also looked perfect and attractive. As of now, she appears to be a welcome addition to the Tillu franchise, and she also proved all the people wrong, who thought she was missing the sex appeal to all cast in a glamorous role.