Covid continued its deathly spell and took away another Tollywood director away. Young Tollywood director and writer Ravi Nandyala passed away earlier today of Covid related complications. He was receiving treatment for Covid for the past few days in a Hyderabad hospital.
Ravi had worked for several films as a writer. He made his directorial debut in 2014 with Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki which starred Naga Shaurya and Avika Gor in the lead roles. He had worked as a writer for Raj Tarun’s Orey Bujjiga. Ravi was also working on another film starring Sapthagiri.
Actor Sapthagiri stepped forward and helped Ravi’s family with Rs 1 lakh. Producer K Radha Mohan had donated Rs 1 lakh and has been monitored his health condition with the doctor since the director/ writer got admitted to the hospital. Since then, his condition has deteriorated, and he was critically ill. The Tollywood fraternity has expressed its condolence on the sudden demise of Ravi.