Rajinikanth’s latest film, Jailer, is not slowing down even after a fantastic run at the box office for 2 weeks. The debacle of Rajini’s previous film Annaatthe had made his fans disappointed, but the success of Jailer has given a massive boost to them. Jailer has crossed 500Cr gross worldwide, while it created an all-time record in overseas.
In both Telugu and Tamil languages, the new releases failed to impress the audiences
which has again put the film, Jailer at the first position for this weekend as well. The trade is expecting the film to take a big jump from today’s night shows in all the territories. The movie has already put phenomenal numbers at the box office by collecting more than 500Cr gross worldwide and with this weekend’s performance the movie will join the 550Cr club as well.
Directed by Nelson Dilip Kumar who has earlier directed projects like Vijay’s Beast and Siva Karthikeyan’s Doctor, this Rajini starrer had a good pre-release buzz among the audience thanks to its exciting trailer and a loaded star cast consisting of Mohanlal, Ramya Krishna, and Shiva Rajkumar.
Rajinikanth’s extraordinary screen presence and action episodes left a lasting impression on everyone. Nelson made a strong comeback after a failure like Beast, while Anirudh’s BGM was a major highlight of the movie.