The announcement of a new movie has yet again brought another legal trouble for the ace director Shankar. The director on Wednesday had announced that he will be directing the official adaptation of 2005 blockbuster Aniyan (Aparichitudu). This announcement hasn’t gone down well with the movie’s producer Aascar Ravichandran. Ravichandran’s Aascar Production produced the film and he holds all the rights to the film.
The veteran producer released the copy of the agreement which denoted the communication between him and Shankar over the movie way back in 2003. Aaskar is reportedly planning to take the legal route and he will be sending a notice to Shankar soon over his decision to remake the movie without his permission. He even released a strongly worded letter addressed to Shankar expressing his anguish and shock.
Anniyan is a 2005 Tamil blockbuster that follows the story of Ambi (Vikram). Ambi is a socially conscious and individual and the film explores his tryst with split character personality disorder. Vikram won many accolades and awards for his terrific performance in this hugely successful and critically acclaimed movie. The movie was one of the highest grosser of the year.
This is the second legal trouble for Shankar this year brought forth by his producers. Earlier in March, Lyca Productions, producers of Indian 2 decided to take him to court for not honoring his commitment to the movie even after taking an advance. Reportedly, Shankar had used up Rs 180 crore of the allotted Rs 236 crores budget without any substantial progress.