Renowned Tollywood Studio, Annapurna Studios has completed 50 years of its journey. Established by the late Matinee Idol of Tollywood, ANR the Studio has maintained a strong presence for Tollywood over the decades. The team and Nagarjuna celebrated the occasion remembering the efforts in establishing the Studio by his father.
Nagarjuna released a heartwarming video explaining the importance of Studios in shaping many talented people’s careers. Few senior staff of the studios too remembered how ANR worked relentlessly in establishing the studios for the Tollywood. Nagarjuna also proudly called Annapurna Studios staff warriors and remarked them as extended family members.
Recently, a Dolby Digital Facility for Post-production has also been integrated in the studios. This is surely a great way to continue the great legacy of ANR by Nagarjuna and the family members.