Tollywood Actor Chiranjeevi joined hands with Director Srikanth Odela, fame of Dasara. The combo and the announcement created a ripple on social media as well. The duo joined hands filled with blood, and this caused a great amount of excitement for fans and the audience. Now, it is learnt that Music Director Anirudh Ravichander is in talks for this film.
The film is also produced by Nani, who acted in the lead role of Dasara. Chiranjeevi, on the other hand, is currently working on his Vishwambhara and will soon join the planned film directed by Anil Ravipudi. Meanwhile Srikanth Odela, too, would work for his film starring Nani. Srikanth Odela and Chiranjeevi will finish these commitments this year to take their film on floors later.
This may happen at the end of this year or early 2026. So, Anirudh coming onboard the film is truly an exciting update for the fans and Audience. This definitely raises the expectations of the film further. Anirudh also has the much-awaited sequel, Jailer 2 whose Announcement video released recently with kick-ass BGM.