Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal has made a loud noise at the box office and achieved stupendous collections. The Hindi version collected Rs 500Cr nett in India while the other versions nett is around 53Cr. 90% of the revenue in other versions came from Telugu. The total all India nett (all versions combined) is Rs 553Cr nett and the gross is around 660Cr which is a remarkable performance by Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s film.
Coming to the overseas market, the gross collections are around $29.5M which is Rs 245Cr approx. The total worldwide gross stands at Rs 905Cr.
In India, the numbers are on par with Shahrukh Khan’s 2023 blockbusters Jawan and Pathaan. The main differentiating factor between SRK and Ranbir’s films was the overseas collection. Both Pathaan and Jawan collected more than $45M whereas Animal stood at around $30M. This was the main reason for the film not reaching 1000Cr.
Producer Pranay Reddy Vanga took a dig at the recent Bollywood blockbusters and said that Animal did not go for corporate bookings or else even they would have easily achieved 1000Cr.
Staring Rashmika, Bobby Deol, and Anil Kapoor in key roles, Animan was a huge blockbuster and achieved the status of all-time 3rd highest Hindi grosser. It got massive returns for the producers. The movie is now getting ready for OTT streaming and will be available on 26th January on Netflix.