Animal movie, the most awaited film in recent days, was off to a solid start everywhere with massive openings at the box office. In North America it opened with 1M+ premiers which is a record for a Bollywood film. In India the 6AM shows in all areas and screens have opened with Extraordinary occupancy. Animal movie Audience talk has come across mixed from the early shows.
In Telugu, the early shows opened with house fulls even in mass centers. The film will definitely have an 100Cr opening at the box office. Coming to the audience reviews and ratings for the film, the 1st half has received unanimous positive talk.
But for the second half there is a mixed talk as many of the audience feel it was very lengthy and uninteresting. The runtime became a big negative point in the 2nd half and the film’s flow lost completely.
Overall, Animal movie audiences talk is average to watchable from the audiences. This should be enough for the film to work at the box office. It is widely known that the Animal movie has been released amidst massive hype.