Megastar Chiranjeevi’s new film Bhola Shankar is all set to be released on August 11th, I.e, this Friday. The film has probably the lowest buzz not only for a Chiranjeevi’s film, but even if we take the other films in consideration, it has weak hype. The film now has another setback as the Andhra Pradesh government denies the ticket hike.
The team of Bhola Shankar had applied for a 25 RS ticket hike in Andhra Pradesh. In general, for Chiranjeevi films the hike will be granted without any issues, but the situation for this film was not normal. As we know, Chiranjeevi has kept a good relation with the Andhra Pradesh government all these days. But the recent incidents have changed the relationship of Chiranjeevi with the AP govt.
Recently, Chiranjeevi made comments against the Andhra Pradesh government for targeting the Telugu cinema industry, which resulted in a negative response from the government on ticket hike. The govt denied the permission for the ticket hike and stated that the team of Bhola Shankar did not submit the required documents fully.
Now as the release date is getting closer the bookings for Bhola Shankar have been opened in a few areas in Andhra Pradesh as per the GO prices and by the night entire theaters will open the bookings.