Sai Dharam Tej’s Virupaksha has been the surprise blockbuster of the year with the film having a dream box office run. The film was appreciated for its technical values and different concept and the audience, who were looking for something different from the Tollywood filmmakers found their match in Virupaksha.
Director Karthik Dandu, who earlier assisted ace director Sukumar made some interesting revelations about Virupakasha’s initial storyline.
“As Per Story written by me, Anchor Shyamala (who played Parvati Akka character) is the main culprit in the Film. But it was Sukumar sir who changed the screenplay and made Samyutha’s character the villain in the end” This revelation has surprised many with many wondering if the film would have achieved the same success had Shyamala been revealed as the antagonist instead of Samyuktha. Either way, the last minute change didn’t do any harm to the movie’s box office collections.
Directed by Karthik Dandu, Virupaksha is the biggest blockbuster of Sai Dharam Tej by quite a distance. While the film didn’t replicate the magic at a pan-India level, the Telugu version was more than enough to ensure all the involved parties bagged a hefty profit. Sukumar has lent a screenplay for this film that also stars Samyuktha, Rajiv Kanakala, and Sunil in key roles. The movie has been bankrolled by BVSN Prasad.