Amitabh Bachchan demands legal action for misuse of Rashmika’s face. A morphed video of Rashmika Mandanna went viral, prompting the Big B to demand strict legal action. The Pushpa actress was depicted in a deep fake video that surfaced online on Sunday. The unverified video shows a woman with Rashmika’s face entering a lift wearing a fitted outfit. Instantly, the video went viral, and a few social media users came forward to clarify that the video had been deepfaked.
Amitabh Bachchan quoted a user’s post and demanded legal action against the ones who created the fake video of Rashmika. “Yes, this is a strong case for legal,” he said, supporting his Goodbye co-star. Amitabh Bachchan demanded legal action for misuse of Rashmika’s face. Rashmika has yet to respond to the video.
Amitabh has found himself preoccupied with his work lately. The actor has been performing his duties of hosting Kaun Banega Crorepati. He is also busy with films, and his latest film to be released was Ganapath, starring Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon.
Big B also started working on Rajinikanth’s upcoming film for the big screen. Amitabh signed Thalapathy 171 and finally got back together with Rajinikanth after 33 years. The duo shot a few scenes in Mumbai recently.