‘Super Star’ Mahesh Babu has ventured into multiplex business with ‘Asian Mahesh Babu Cinemas’. Abbreviated as ‘AMB Cinemas’, it was launched as a joint venture between the actor and Asian Cinemas, a multiplex chain spread across Telugu states.
Launched in the city of Kondapur, Hyderabad, this premium multiplex cinema theatre was fairly successful. It even prompted his fellow actor Allu Arjun to launch his own venture with the title ‘AAA Cinemas’, an abbreviation for ‘Asian Allu Arjun Cinemas’.
Following the success of the Hyderbad venture, AMB Cinemas is expanding into the city of Banglore, Karanataka. Dubbed the IT hub of India, Bangalore is already home to numerous high-end multiplexes of PVR-INOX. Clearly, AMB Cinemas will face stiff competition from them, and unlike in Hyderabad, Mahesh Babu is not a brand in Karnataka.