The recent Tamil blockbuster Amaran has achieved a remarkable milestone at the box office, setting new benchmarks not only in Tamil Nadu but also in the Telugu-speaking regions. The movie collected 175 crore in its opening week and is now on track to cross the Rs 200 crore mark within days.
With this mind blowing performance, Amaran is expected to continue the collections over the next two to three weeks, solidifying its place as the top choice for audiences across regions.
Given the strong box-office trend, Amaran’s digital debut on Netflix has been strategically delayed to maintain its theatrical run. Rather than the usual four-week window, the film is now scheduled to arrive on the streaming platform in the third week of December, extending the theatrical window to six weeks.
This move is reflective of a new trend in the industry, where high-performing films are granted extended theatrical periods to maximize box-office revenue before transitioning to OTT platforms.
This extended window benefits both fans who enjoy the theater experience and audiences awaiting its digital release. With its gripping storyline and high production value, Amaran continues to captivate viewers, and its upcoming OTT release is set to expand its reach even further, promising a grand experience for Netflix subscribers this December.