Amaran starring Siva Karthikeyan is on a rampage mode after a sensational first weekend performance. The 2nd weekend started on a phenomenal note with the film joining 100 crore club in Tamil Nadu alone. Amaran is also set to join the 200 crore club worldwide. Siva Karthikeyan becomes the first Tier 2 range Actor to have pulled off this feat.
In Telugu States, Amaran is continuing its dominance with most of the audience preferring it over other films which released alongwith it. Telugu States gross is also expected to cross 25 crore mark today which is also a milestone for the Actor here. In Overseas market too the film is fantastic crossing the $7 Million mark. Amaran is reporting numbers similar to a Tier 1 range Actor.
Amaran has also all the chances of grossing 250 crores worldwide if it continues the same momentum for one more weekend. If achieved, Siva Karthikeyan will see himself as a Tier 1 range Actor for the future films. He is already doing a film with A.R. Murugadoss.