Amaran opened stunningly across all territories after the release. The film exhibited great pull even in the Telugu version indicating a big box office performance here as well. Now, after an extraordinary 1st week grossing 140 crores, the film held exceptionally well on Monday. The film had a good hold not only in Tamil Nadu but also in Telugu market dominating other releases. With all these, Amaran looks set for a 250 crore milestone at the box office.
The film now has crossed the 150 crore mark worldwide with Today’s performance. By looking at the trend on Monday, the film will easily join the 200 crore mark by this weekend and approach the 250 crore mark in the full run. Amaran will officially take Siva Karthikeyan into the top Tier league in Kollywood also becoming his highest grosser. This is just phenomenal.
Apart from, Ponniyin Selvan series, Only Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan and Vijay have the 250 crore grossers in their career. Now, Siva Karthikeyan is all set to join this elite list with Amaran. This is truly a remarkable achievement for Siva Karthikeyan in a less time.