Amaran starring Siva Karthikeyan is unstoppable at the box office. The film secured a positive word of mouth and exceeded all the expectations on the opening day minting around 35 crores gross worldwide. The film has also managed to hold super strong on its second day. Amaran Day 2 box office ant total collections are as follows:
Amaran’s Day 2 worldwide gross is estimated to be the same as the opening day. The estimate is around 34 crores taking the the total collections for two days to around 70 crores. The film is also expected to cross the 100 crore mark by tomorrow. Amaran is also all set to gross more than 200 crore in the full run without a doubt.
Amaran has also shocked the trade with its performance in Telugu version. The film had a great opening on par with or rather bigger than the other releases on the opening day. This was just phenomenal for a Siva Karthikeyan starrer. The film’s Telugu version may also gross more than 25 crores in the full run worldwide.