Allu Arjun skipped the recent Megastar’s party and Ram Charan skipping Allu family’s party is the main point of discussion among the mega fans now. Recently, Allu Arjun was not present at Varun and Lavanya’s pre-wedding party that was arranged by Megastar Chiranjeevi at his residence which was attended by the entire Mega family.
Lavanya and Mega Prince Varun Tej’s pre-wedding celebrations are in full swing, as the couple prepares to embark on a new journey together. The couple celebrated the joyous occasion in a night full of awe-inspiring moments, surrounded by their loved ones and the party was arranged by Icon Star Allu Arjun’s family.
Allu Arjun, Sneha Reddy, Allu Sirish, Panja Vasihnav Tej, Sai Dharam Tej, and Nithin’s wife Shalini were among the popular actors who attended Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi’s pre-wedding party, as well as their respective family members and other guests. Everyone gathered to share in the happiness of this special occasion, creating an atmosphere that was undoubtedly electrifying.
Although Ram Charan appeared to have missed the event, the festivities continued with great enthusiasm, marking the start of a beautiful journey for Varun Tej and Lavanya as they entered married life. But as said above, Allu Arjun skipping Megastar’s party and Ram Charan skipping Allu family’s party has made everyone doubt the relations between the two-star heroes.