Actor Allu Arjun recently visited KIMS Hospital in Begumpet, Hyderabad, to meet Sri Teja, the child critically injured during the tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre. The mishap occurred on December 4, 2024, during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule, claiming the life of a woman named Revathi and leaving her son, Sri Teja, in critical condition. The child had been on a ventilator for weeks following the chaos. The actor’s visit highlights his concern for the injured child amidst ongoing legal proceedings related to the incident. The tragic events unfolded when Allu Arjun greeted fans by waving from his car’s sunroof, leading to a stampede-like situation. In addition to visiting Sri Teja, Allu Arjun has been cooperating with legal protocols.
On January 5, 2025, he fulfilled a key bail condition by reporting to the Chikkadpally Police Station, as mandated by the Nampally Court. Earlier, on January 4, the actor appeared before the Metropolitan Criminal Court at Nampally, where he provided the required sureties and a bond of Rs. 50,000. Security was tightened during his court appearance, with police personnel ensuring his safety amidst a large media presence. Allu Arjun’s actions, including his hospital visit and adherence to legal conditions, reflect his commitment to addressing the aftermath of the Sandhya Theatre incident. Fans and the public continue to watch the developments closely, hoping for Sri Teja’s recovery and resolution of the case.
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