Tollywood Actor Manchu Vishnu and another Actor Prakash Raj engaged in a big battle competing for the post of MAA (Movie Artistes Association) President in Tollywood. Both the Actors had no talking terms during this episode and this still continues it seems. Recently, Prakash Raj responded strongly to Pawan Kalyan’s tweet. To this Vishnu reacted against Prakash supporting Pawan Kalyan. Prakash Raj then trolled back Vishnu again with a comic tweet.
Pawan Kalyan brought in a religious tweet and attacked former AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy. Prakash took strong objection to such religious actions of Pawan Kalyan. He requested Pawan Kalyan to refrain from indulging in religious clashes. Vishnu backed Pawan Kalyan through a reply. But Prakash Raj didn’t stop and called Vishnu as Sivayyaaa. This word was made popular by the netizens which Vishnu uses in his current film, Kannappa. Vishnu was trolled for uttering this word differently then. Prakash Raj indirectly referred to this incident through his tweet.
These replies indicate that All is not well still between Prakash Raj and Manchu Vishnu. It seems both the Actors didn’t take the competition sportively and are still behaving as rivals. Pawan Kalyan’s tweet confirmed this yet again. We have to see how long this would continue.