Telangana Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy recently announced a shocking decision of discontinuing the permission granted for benefit shows and ticket prices hike for all upcoming films in Telangana. This naturally shocked entire film Industry. Now, everyone’s hopes are on the newly appointed Telangana Film Development Corporation Chairman Dil Raju to convince the Government.
After the stampede incident that caused the death of a lady during the premiere shows of Pushpa 2, the Government reacted strong. A case was registered against Allu Arjun for which he was jailed as well recently. Talking about this incident yesterday in the Telangana Assembly, the CM made it clear that no film would be given any special treatment. But this affects the upcoming films especially, Game Changer and Daaku Maharaaj that are slated for release during Sankranthi season next year.
Producer of Game Changer, Dil Raju will now use his bargaining power to convince the Government and the CM to allow the benefit shows and ticket hikes. Naga Vamsi today too expressed confidence of getting these permissions for his Daaku Maharaaj as well.