Bollywood Star Hero Akshay Kumar’s latest advertisement featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn for the pan masala brand Vimal has once again caused controversy. Last year, Akshay resigned as Vimal’s brand ambassador due to criticism from his fans. Seeing this Ad, Akshay’s fans started accusing him of hypocrisy due to his recent ad. Akshay has come forward to clarify the situation as the news grew stronger.
He clarified that the advertisement was shot in 2021 and gave a brief explanation of the legal requirement to run ads that were already filmed until the end of next month.
Taking to his X (formerly Twitter) handle, Akshay hit back at a publication which wrote ‘Akshay Kumar returns as the ambassador of Vimal Pan Masala’. Akshay said in the statement, “‘Returns’ as ambassador? Here’s some fact check for you Bollywood Hungama, if by chance you are interested in things other than fake news. These ads were shot on 13th October 2021. I have not had anything to do with the brand ever since I publicly announced the discontinuation of the endorsement. They can legally run the already shot ads till the end of next month. Chill and do some real news.”
Akshay had previously expressed his apologies to all of his fans and well-wishers. He mentioned that their reactions had a significant impact on him, and clarified that he did not endorse or would endorse tobacco.