Akshay Kumar took to his social media accounts to announce the release date of his much-awaited satirical comedy OMG 2. The teaser will be released on Tuesday, July 11, a month before the film is slated to be released in theaters on August 11. OMG 2 is the sequel to Akshay’s 2012 hit OMG – Oh My God, that also starred Paresh Rawal in another lead role. Akshay Kumar plays the character of Lord Shiva in the film.
Sharing the new poster, Akshay wrote on Instagram, “Bas kuch dino mein (coming in a few days) OMG 2 in theatres on August 11. Teaser drops soon.” The poster shows Akshay wearing a wig and blue paint on his neck. He also has an ash smeared on his forehead and sports Kohler eyes.
OMG 2 has been written and directed by Amit Rai and also stars Yami Gautam and Pankaj Tripathi. OMG 2 is a sequel to Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar-starrer of the same name. In the original film, Akshay had played the character of Lord Krishna.
OMG 2 will be clashing in theaters with Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel’s upcoming film Gadar 2. At first OMG 2 was also supposed to clash with Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday’s Dream Girl 2 and Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan as well but the release dates of all the films have been changed after a few days of rumored drama. Dream Girl will now be released on August 25, Jawan on September 7 and Animal on 1st December.
However, Rajinikanth’s upcoming Tamil action entertainer film Jailer will be releasing a day before OMG 2, on August 10. Also, Alia Bhatt’s Hollywood debut film Heart of Stone will also be released on Netflix on August 11.