The Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s latest movie, Jawan, is breaking all the records at the box office in India and at the global level as well. The fans of SRK are thrilled with the mass avatar of their favorite hero. They are sharing pictures and videos from the theaters, where we can see them dancing and hooting for the superstar Shahrukh Khan’s dialogues/dances and fights.
Many big stars from the industry have wished Shah Rukh Khan and the entire team of Jawan. The tweets have been placed all over the internet by the fans, and now another Star Actor Akshay Kumar wished the King Khan Shah Rukh Khan for the success of the movie Jawan. Yes you heard right, Akshay Kumar took to his twitter handle and wrote, “What massive success!! Congratulations my jawan Pathaan @iamsrk (clap emoji) Our films are back and how.”
Reacting to Akshay’s message, SRK replied, “Aap ne Dua maangi na hum sab ke liye toh kaise khaali jayegi. All the best and stay healthy Khiladi! Love u.”
There were numerous reports about the Cold War between Akshay Kumar and Shahrukh Khan since they were seen together in Dil To Pagal Hai, but this tweet from Akshay won the hearts of fans and Bollywood movie lovers.