The shooting of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Akhanda is heading towards completion. The unit wrapped up the shoot of the climax portions and fights in Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu earlier this month. The makers had sought special permissions to shoot the climax fights in the temple premises and its said to be one of the biggest highlights of the movie.
Around 10-12 days of shoot is left with and the makers are looking to release the action thriller in the 1st or 2nd week of October.
The film was earlier scheduled to release on May 28 according to original plans. However, it had to be postponed indefinitely due to the Covid second wave. The unit has decided to release the film only after it is safe and everything eases.
The movie is the third one in the combination of Balakrishna and the director after Simha and Legend. Fans are eagerly waiting to see what kind of intense action the duo has packed in the film. Adding to this, the teasers of the movie have also taken the hype around the movie to great heights.
Akhanda stars Pragya Jaiswal in the lead role opposite Balakrishna. Dwaraka Entertainments banner will be bankrolling this fantasy action drama.