Ajith is the box office rival of Vijay. Both have started their journey as actors around the same time and enjoy a massive fan base. But the situation has changed, Vijay has gained the upper hand and his universal appeal is growing day by day. Though Ajith still enjoys good fan base in Tamil Nadu, his box office stamina in rest of India and overseas is little compared to Thalapathy.
Vijay and Ajith are locking horns for 2023 Pongal and their movies are high on demand, distributors are offering fancy prices to these movies. In Tamil Nadu both are having comparable trade deals but in overseas, Vijay is way ahead, putting Ajith’s Thanivu overseas deal to shame.
Varisu overseas rights were sold for 35 crores, but Ajith’s Thanivu could only get 13 crores deals. Ajith’s movies aren’t showing much impact in new audiences like Telugu states, Kerala, USA etc. unlike Vijay who is extending his influence beyond Tamil.
There are many reasons for this growing difference between the two. Script selection, directors, music, genres etc. constitute the box office appeal for a movie in new territories.
Vijay is making sure that he is working with most happening directors, his movies have good chart busters in the audio, scripts have universal appeal unlike movies like Viswasam, Veeram etc. which are based in Tamil Nadu with Tamil sensibilities.
Hope some changes are made by Ajith so that he regain the lost glory in territories outside Tamil Nadu. Movies like Vaali, Priyuralu pilichindi etc. had good reception in Telugu states, but later his movies lost the market here in Telugu.
On the other hand, Vijay established strong market since Thuppakki by taking the risk of dubbing his films, now he is reaping the benefits. Doing a movie with Telugu director Vamshi Paidipalli is also a good step in the right direction to improve Telugu and Overseas Market.