Tamil Actor Ajith’s Vidaamuyarchi was supposed to release this year mostly on Diwali. But the film saw a delay in making and it is now reported to get postponed to next year. He is also working for another film, Good Bad Ugly. This film was originally planned as a Sankranthi release. Many thought Vidaamuyarchi would release first but it looks Good Bad Ugly is scheduled to release on the planned date.
As said, it was speculated that Vidaamuyarchi may release during the Sankranthi season and Good Bad Ugly might look for Summer release. But the buzz is the Production house, Mythri Movie Makers want Good Bad Ugly to release on Sankranthi as per the plan. Vidaamuyarchi may get postponed to next year as an early Summer release or look to release in December this year as Christmas release.
Ajith’s new posters from Good Bad Ugly have also been released yesterday confirming the actual release plan with the film. This is Mythri Movie Makers’ debut Tamil film. They are aiming to score a big blockbuster with the film there.