Tamil Actor Ajith Kumar is currently working for Good Bad Ugly directed by Adhik Ravichandran. The film is also Debut Tamil production of Tollywood reputed banner, Mythri Movie Makers. There are high expectations from the fans and audience on the film which saw Ajith having an uber cool makeover. The hype became more with Good Bad Ugly’s shoot pictures getting leaked online.
The pictures show Ajith in a don avatar. He was also seen with his usual Salt and Pepper look in a white suit. He was also spotted come out a car with a full blue coloured suit. These pictures have gone viral instantly and are circulating on social media platforms. Ajith’s character in the film is not yet revealed. Many netizens feel that he must be portraying a don character after watching these pictures.
On the other hand, Ajith’s another release Vidaamuyarchi is also gearing up for release this Christmas. This film is directed by Magizh Thirumeni and produced by Lyca Productions.