Kollywood Actor Dhanush’s production, Nilavuku En Mel Ennadi Kobam (NEEK) was originally scheduled for 7th February, but it now stands postponed to 21st February. This is because of the new scheduled release of Ajith’s Vidaamuyarchi for 6th February worldwide. The team of NEEK is now considering a new release date.
Dhanush’s other film, Idly Kadai directed by himself is scheduled for 10th April, and this is also speculated to release by the end of April because of Good Bad Ugly which is arriving on the same date. Surprisingly, Ajith’s films have impacted Dhanush’s two films. On the other hand, Vidaamuyarchi is all set for release after the settlement with the Hollywood Production house Paramount Pictures.
The Trailer of the film has also been released and the hype is good. The film will also take a super opening at the box office. All the eyes will be on Good Bad Ugly then which will be a Summer Venture.