As per Kollywood buzz, Prashant Neel and Ajith will be collaborating on 2 films. Interestingly, those two films are rumoured to be part of the KGF universe. The second part is reportedly directly connected to KGF 3. This news has filled Ajith fans with massive excitement.
Ajith and Prashant Neel’s project is likely to go on set in 2026. At the moment Prashant Neel is working on a project with NTR and also has Salaar 2 which he will be working on parallel. After these two films, Ajith’s project will go on set.
Ajith’s upcoming films
Reportedly, Ajith’s film will give a lead to KGF 3 post which the much-awaited film of the KGF franchise will go on set. Prashant Neel said has asked for 3 years of call sheets from the Kollywood star. This development has given rise to a new question- Will NTR film also be a part of the KGF universe?
The Kollywood star currently has two projects lined up in the production stage. The first one is Good Bad and Ugly under Adhik Ravichandran’s direction while the second one is Vidaamuyarchi under Magizh Thirumeni.