Tamil Actor Vijay has ventured into politics with his party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK). The Actor has also declared that he will be doing only one last film, Thalapathy69 before working full time in politics for the 2026 Tamil Nadu State Assembly Elections. Now another top star of Kollywood, Ajith seems to be following Vijay. He is also learnt to be taking a big break from cinema.
Ajith is said to be planning to participate in European GT4 championship in 2025. He is currently working for two films, Vidaamuyarchi and Good Bad Ugly. He will be wrapping these films and concentrate on the championship for a while. Vidaamuyarchi is expected to release by this year’s end or may arrive during next year’s sankranthi. Good Bad Ugly will be releasing during Summer next year.
This is definitely a bad news for the audience of Kollywood. Two current top stars of the film Industry may not be available after 2 years as full time actors. No one knows if Vijay comes back as he had determined himself to be in politics completely. Ajith on the other hand is also not committed to films properly. We have to see what happens in the future.