Tamil Actor Ajith Kumar has announced his own racing team to compete for the European GT4 championship in 2025. The racing team is also named Ajith Kumar Racing. He has also brought Fabian Duffieux on board as the team’s official racing driver. This is surely an exciting news for the fans and audience.
Ajith Kumar’s manager Suresh Chandra has officially confirmed this on his X/Twitter handle recently. He also declared that apart from being the owner of the team, Ajith is also set to take part as a driver in the championship. He also said that the team will be taking part in many future racing championships. The objective of the team is to help the young drivers supporting them with a racing program.
However, this news upsets the fans in another way. To concentrate on these, Ajith has to stop acting for a while. He has already lined up Vidaamuyarchi and Good Bad Ugly which may release next year. After that, he will take a break for the racing purpose and won’t be available for films. Other Tamil Actor, Vijay has already decided to quit films for politics. Thalapathy69 will be his final film. So this is definitely a bad news for Kollywood Audience.