After his cult blockbuster RX100, director Ajay Bhupathi teams up with actress Payal Rajput for his next ‘Mangalavaaram’. Earlier, the first look of her as ‘Shailaja’ from this new film garnered immense attention and applause from critics and audiences.
Leaving no stone unturned in the filming, the team has successfully wrapped up the 99 days of shoot on June 12th and are now heading to the post production works.
Producers Swathi Gunupati and Suresh Varma M said “We’re happy for the response to the first look of Payal Rajput from our film. We’re making Mangalavaaram on uncompromised quality and content standards. We finally wrapped up the 99 days of shooting on June 12th. That includes 48 days of day shoot and 51 days of night shoot. Our director Ajay Bhupathi is filming the content of the genre that’s never-seen-before on Indian screen. Stay tuned for the teaser and trailer updates dropping soon.”
Speaking on the occasion, the director-producer Ajay Bhupati said “Our Mangalavaaram is a village-based rare action-thriller. It sticks to our nativity while being Raw and Rustic to visuals and emotions. There are 30 characters in the story and every character has got a certain place in the larger scheme of the film. Each and every character is important. Wrapping up the shoot, we’re pacing up our post production works. ‘Kantara’ fame Ajaneesh Loknath is scoring music for this film and thus the background score is going to be a major highlight of the film.”
Interestingly, Ajay is debuting as a producer along with Swathi Gunupati and Suresh Varma M. Releasing in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam languages, it’s a joint venture of Mudra Media Works and A Creative Works.