Tamil actor R Sharath Kumar is well known to Telugu audience with the movies like Gang Leader, Bunny, Bharath Ane Nenu etc. He was last seen in Mani Ratnam’s Vaanam Kottatum directed by Dhana Sekharan featuring Radhika as a female lead. Now his official entry into OTT platform was confirmed.
Recently, on the occasion of Sharath Kumar’s birthday, Radhika revealed some posters of his digital debut titled Birds of Prey – The Hunt Begins. It is based on Archana Sarat’s novel of the same name. Earlier Sharath Kumar himself launched this novel and Archana expressed her gratitude towards him for taking it to the screen.
Sharath transformed into a new ultra-stylish look for this project. The plot revolves around a protest against child abuses and Sharath Kumar will be seen as a powerful ex-cop. His wife Radhika bankrolls this project under her home banner Radaan Media works. Aha bagged the streaming rights of this high budget project. The other details of the cast and crew will be revealed soon. Sharath Kumar also signed some other Tamil projects including Mani Ratnam’s dream project Ponniyin Selvan.