Balakrishna’s Unstoppable episode featuring Prabhas has created a massive buzz among fans. Everyone was keen to watch Prabhas in a candid mode and the promos of the show featured Prabhas and Gopichand created massive anticipation for the 2 -part episode.
However, a number of fans had to be disappointed as the Aha OTT platform crashed before the show went online. The episode has planned for streaming today night 9 pm due to heavy traffic the app crashed. This caused great frustration to the fans many of whom subscribed to the OTT platform just for this show. As expected, the fans took to social media to lash out at the OTT platform.
“Your love is boundless darlingsss! Our app is offline but our love isn’t. Give us just a little time while we fix it. We will be up and running in a jiffy!”, tweeted the OTT platform’s Twitter handle
The second part of the episode will be released the following week, on January 5, 2023. In this episode of Unstoppable, Gopichand will make an appearance. The two actors will share their struggles in the industry and how their friendship blossomed over the years.