Madras High court on Thursday stopped Dhanush from withdrawing his tax exemption plea that he had filed back in 2012 for his imported car. The court also reprimanded the actor for even seeking the tax exemption on the car in the first place.
The court questioned Dhanush on the purpose of the appeal especially considering that his car would run on roads paved by taxpayers’ money.
Dhanush had sought tax exemption for his Rolls Royce car, which he had imported from London. He was levied a tax amount of Rs 60.66 lakhs. When the actor filed a plea seeking tax exemption back in 2015, the court then directed the Regional Transport Officer to register the vehicle once the actor pays 50% of the tax. Accordingly, the actor had paid Rs 30.33 lakhs. However, he hasn’t paid the remaining amount so far as per the order.
The judge further made some serious comments about the intentions of high-paid actors seeking tax exemption while the majority of the citizens continue to pay taxes despite poor income. The judge also claimed that such cases deprive the court of time that could be used for genuine issues.
Interestingly, just last month Vijay had also appealed for a similar exemption only to be rejected by the Madras High Court. Both Dhanush and Vijay have been massively criticized for their petitions.