The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has summoned comedian Kapil Sharma and actor Huma Qureshi for the Mahadev online betting app case, a day after the central agency summoned actor Ranbir Kapoor for the same matter, according to PTI. To comprehend the mode and flow of payment from app promoters, the agency will record their statements under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
According to the ED, Mahadev Online Book offers online platforms for illegal betting in various live games like poker, card games, chance games, cricket, badminton, tennis, football, and more. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to place bets on different elections in India.
In addition, it permits users to play various card games such as ‘Teen Patti’, poker, ‘Dragon Tiger’, virtual cricket games, and more.
The Raipur office of the agency has asked the three actors to appear on different dates, as reported by the news agency PTI. It is understandable that these actors may not be accused in the case.