Nagarjuna’s upcoming film, Naa Saami Ranga has created quite a positive buzz after a long time for Nagarjuna. Recently, Allari Naresh was roped in for a crucial role in this film and now young hero Raj Tarun is also said to have roped for another important role. The film is targeting Sankranthi release and Nagarjuna is expected to give a solid comeback with this film like Soggade Chinni Nayana which was released on Sankranthi 2016.
Naa Saami Ranga is said to be the remake of Malayalam hit Porinju Mariam Jose. As per the story, the movie demands two other actors and the team has finalized Allari Naresh and Raj Tarun for those roles. The movie unit is preparing for the Sankranthi release. The title glimpse, which was released recently, received a great response.
Popular choreographer Vijay Binni who worked on many noted movies, is making his directorial debut with the movie billed to be a Mass entertainer. Passionate producer Srinivasa Chitturi of Tollywood’s leading production house Srinivasaa Silver Screen, who lined up some high-budget entertainers with top stars of the industry, will be making the movie on a massive scale. Pavan Kumar is presenting this project that is touted to be rich, in terms of production design and technical standards.
Legendary composer MM Keeravani who provided many chart buster albums for Nagarjuna and won the Oscar Award and National Award for his work in RRR will be scoring the music for the movie. The blockbuster writer Prasanna Kumar Bezawada provided the story and dialogues for the film that will have some well-known technicians to helm different crafts.