Adivi Sesh’s sensational blockbuster Hit2 is rocking the theaters. The film team invited Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna to watch this crazy whodunit thriller. Obliging the request, the senior star has watched the movie along with his son Mokshagna. Nani also accompanied Sesh and Balayya.
During the post screening discussions, Adivi Sesh happened to invite Balayya to do a cameo in the Hit verse. However, Balayya has given a smile. It’s tough to interpret the smile, but Balayya is a kind of person who says no on the face if he doesn’t like.
From the tweet of Adivi Sesh it is also understood that Balayya loved the move and he appreciated the direction of Sailesh and acting of Adivi Sesh.
In a recent episode of Unstoppable, Balayya himself said that he would be a part of Goodachari series on a lighter note. Adivi Sesh was thrilled to see the inclination of Balayya doing a cameo in his film. Sesh gave a green signal instantly for the idea of Balakrishna.
The combination can easily happen and we can see Balakrishna in Hit verse, balayya always encourages the people whom he connects to. Previously, he did a cameo in Manchu Manoj’s movie. Also, He went to Viswak Sen’s trailer launch event recently.
We hope this request of Adivi Sesh is further considered and given a green signal from Balakrishna as his fans would be thrilled to see him as a cool cop in a universe like hit.