Tamil actress Aditi Balan has been roped in for Shaakuntalam. Starring Samantha Akkineni and Dev Mohan in lead roles, Shaakuntalam is being directed by Gunasekhar. The movie is based on the play Shakuntala written by Kalidasa. It also features Mohan Babu in a key role.
Aditi, who earlier impressed the audience with her powerful role in Aruvi will be seen in a crucial role in Shaakuntalam as well. Earlier Eesha Rebba was considered for this role but she walked out of the movie due to certain differences. The titular role is being played by Samantha while Dev Mohan will be playing the role of Dushyant. Mohan Babu will be essaying the character of Dhruva Maharshi.
The movie was launched amidst great fanfare earlier last month. This will be Gunasekhar’s first movie in 6 years after the 2015 period drama ‘Rudhramadevi’. The filming of the first schedule of the movie is underway and like his earlier films, Gunasekhar has planned grand sets for this one too.