Prabhas’ Adipurush was released on Amazon Prime Video over the weekend in multiple languages. The movie on its release has yet again received fresh criticism and backlash over its visuals and graphics. Back during its release in June, Adipurush was released in theatres on a large scale with very big hype, and Prabhas’ stardom helped the film to put good numbers on 1st weekend. Post the weekend, the movie totally crashed at the box office in both Hindi and Telugu.
In other markets like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka, the movie did not get even decent openings. Now, after the OTT release, most sections of the audience have watched the film for the first time and now it’s getting more trolls and negativity. Everyone feels Om Raut and team made a terrible version of Ramayana and that it was a disgrace to Sriram.
The worldwide Theatrical rights of the film (Telugu version) were valued at Rs 190Crs the film only collected a share of Rs108Crs at the end of its run emerging as a massive disaster. Adipurush also starred Kriti Sanon as Janaki and Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh. It is one of the costliest films made in Indian cinema history and ended up being a huge dent in the filmography of the entire cast and crew.