Actress and politician Vijaya Shanthi fired on Rana and Venkatesh on Friday. She reacted through social media on Telugu OTT series released recently. She did not mention any Hero or Web Series name directly, but everyone understood her comments were indeed against Rana Naidu only.
She said that censorship is also required for the OTT Web Series and other shows. Furthermore, she is strongly against the obscene content shown against the women in OTT and urges that the sentiments of women should be taken with respect to the content creators in the OTT.
Vijaya Shanthi also told that stars and producers should be careful about the OTT content. Vijaya shanthi said that she believes that the affection given to the actors by the audience should be kept with more respect.
Venkatesh and Rana Daggubati starrer Netflix series Rana Naidu was released earlier this month to mostly poor reviews and criticism of the adult content in it. However, the presence of Venkatesh and Rana in this crime drama has created great curiosity, leading to the audience watching the show in record numbers.
During its debut week, Rana Naidu garnered 8,070,000 hours of views, making it the tenth most-watched non-English series–and these numbers were just within a few days of launch!