Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya have again teamed up for the upcoming pan-India film titled ‘NC23’. The film, directed by Chandoo Mondeti, is believed to be based on real-life incidents. On Wednesday, September 20th, Sai Pallavi announced her collaboration with Naga Chaitanya on social media. Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya were previously associated with the super hit ‘Love Story’. Meanwhile, it is being reported that the actress, Sai Pallavi is demanding a record remuneration for the film.
As per the reports, Sai Pallavi is said to have charging almost 30% high of her previous best remuneration. Reportedly, the makers are also okay with that as they believe only Sai Pallavi can do the justice to the female lead character in this movie. The movie will have strong characterizations for both the lead hero and lead actress. The budget of the may go near 100Cr, which makes it the costliest project for Naga Chaitanya.
The makers of ‘NC23’ have already announced that the film’s pre-production is currently underway and that the shoot will commence soon. Bunny Vasu will produce the film, while Allu Aravind will present it for the leading production banner, GA2.
As said above, NC23 will be the highest -budgeted film for both Naga Chaitanya and Chandoo Mondeti as well. The production and technical standards will be high. The makers are spending a substantial amount of money solely on pre-production work itself. The other cast and crew of the film have not been revealed, while the music of the film will be composed by Santhosh Narayanan.