Actress Kasthuri is a popular actress in both Kollywood and Tollywood. She has now landed herself in a controversy by making derogatory comments against Telugu people. Her comments have gone viral on social media and she has also been facing heavy trolling since then.
Kasthuri attended an event where she said that Brahmins were being targeted in Tamil Nadu by few people by citing them as foreigners. She went ahead and compared Telugu People also as foreigners who came to Tamil Nadu years ago. She opined that Telugu People haven’t been targeted just like Brahmins. These comments have become controversial after her speech. Many netizens took objection to her comments of comparing Telugu People as foreigners.
There were also calls to ban the Actress in Tollywood. However, the Actress conducted a press meet again to counter these trolling. She said that she didn’t mean to hurt Telugu people and applauded the Telugu Film Industry for providing many roles as well. But we need to see how this gets treated by Netizens.