Actress Kasthuri got herself into a big controversly recently. The Actress who is popular from both Tollywood and Kollywood has made derogatory comments about Telugu People while speaking at an event. She immediately received criticism and trolls for her passage of comments. There were also attempts of filing case against her which made her approach the court for an anticipatory bail. But Kasthuri got no relief from the court in this issue.
Kasthuri gave an explanation to the comments made by her in an official press meet as well apologising to the Telugu People. But she received continuous hatred even after this. Fearing to be imprisoned, she wanted to get an anticipatory bail but this has been now rejected by the court.
We need to see how she would deal this. There is a chance of approaching the Supreme Court by her as well. Her comments were actually aimed at criticising the section of Tamil People and Parties which degraded the Brahmins as foreigners as alleged by her. In this process, she felt that Telugu People too become foreigners when compared to Brahmins which started the whole controversy.