Thalapathy Vijay has recently wrapped up his shooting part of Leo movie completely and has now gone abroad to relax before starting his next film. It is very well known to everyone that Vijay’s next film is confirmed with Director Venkat Prabhu. Now interesting news has emerged about this project. It is being reported that the actress Jyotika has grabbed the opportunity of working as the female lead in this film.
It is aid that the talks are already underway with actress Jyothika to act in Thalapathy 68. But nothing is official as of now. The Vijay fans are happy with the reports of actress Jyothika is going to team up with Thalapathy Vijay again after 20 years in Thalapathy 68.
Thalapathy Vijay and actress Jyothika both starred in Kushi and Thirumalai which were massive blockbusters. Furthermore, It is noteworthy that both of them used to be a great couple on screen. Thalapathy Vijay and Jyothika have not acted together in any movie for the last 20 years after their last release, Tirumalai in 2003.
Jyotika has made a good name as an actress in Indian Cinema. She has acted in Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi films. She is also said to have grabbed another big opportunity in Hindi after almost two decades. Produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak, in a new film Jyotika reportedly will share the screen space with Bollywood star Ajay Devgn and R Madhavan. The official details on the film are awaited.