Actress Anushka Shetty, who is all set to appear before the audiences with upcoming entertainer Miss Shetty Mr. Polishettty, is. making her debut in the Malayalam Cinema. The actress has kept a. low profile off-screen for a longtime, but her films are very much on track to entertain the audiences. Kathanar is the film with which Anushka Shetty is entering the Malayalam Cinema.
The makers released the first glimpse of the fantasy horror drama Kathanar – The Wild Sorcerer on Thursday, which coincides with actor Jayasurya’s birthday. The film, directed by Rojin Thomas, also features Anushka Shetty as the lead. The film is based on the tales of Kadamattathu Kathanar, a priest in Kerala who was thought to have supernatural powers.
Jayasurya is depicted as a prisoner by the church authorities in Kathanar’s two-minute ‘glimpse’, as they believe he has evil powers that will destroy their church. At the same time, it appears that the villagers are experiencing a disease. The teaser’s atmosphere is spooky due to the appearance of people with strange facial features on the screen. The teaser’s spine-chilling nature is enhanced by the background score.
Towards the conclusion of the teaser, the producers have a hint at the film, written by R Ramanand, being released in two parts, one of which will be released in 2024. The film will be available in seven languages, making it a pan-India release. According to reports, it is the first Indian film to use virtual production technology.