Actress Anupama Parameswaran is on cloud nine right now after the monstrous success of Karthikeya 2. Since the release, she has been attending success meet events to celebrate the film. During one such success meet, she apologized to her director Chandoo Mondeti.
Anupama said that she got a backache during the shooting in one of the Gujarat episodes of the movie. But somehow, she managed to complete the schedule. On one of the days, the shoot was delayed due to technical reasons and she was in a lot of pain. At that time, she said, “I regret working with Chandoo Mondeti.”
But Anupama felt sad about that incident and said that she should not have spoken like that. She admitted that it was a big mistake on her part and to rectify that mistake, she publicly apologized to him during the success meet event.
She also went on to say that she got such great success because of working with Chandoo Mondeti. Anupama further expresses her gratitude to the producers and the entire cast and crew of the film for giving her the opportunity to act in such a great franchise. She ended by saying, “Nikhil and I still cannot digest the massive success of the film.”